Best of 2010
It's that most wonderful time of the year. The time when photojournalists everywhere look back at the year with a mix of disappointment and pride. Plowing through our archives for hours on end assembling a retrospective of things we've witnessed, preparing for the contest season yet to come, and taking stock of just where we are - as journalists, photographers, and human beings.
This was my first full year of freelancing. There's still plenty I miss about being a staff photographer, but as the anxieties of running a business become simple routine, I'm more excited by the endless horizon, the choose-your-own-adventure, the pure exercise of free-will. Last year's motto was Hustle & Flow (minus the cocaine). This year's motto is still kicking around the old brain pan.
These photos represent the stories and people that meant the most to me this year. A huge thanks go out to my editors. They introduce me to the most fascinating people and keep me among the lucky human beings who can make a living at what they love. I'm looking forward to a 2011 with heart, and moment, and light.
Best of 2010 - Images by Julia Robinson
It's interesting looking thru various photojournalists' best of 2010 blog entries because there are countless mentions of recently leaving their staff photo positions. Nice work on your first year as freelancer!