Monday, February 2

winter in the "real" america

got a visit from david noles last week. if you haven't seen his work, check it out. he came sans camera for a change, so, as i gave him a tour of winter weather and the middle of "real" america, he was in front of the lens for a change. january in los angeles is a bit more hospitable.

after waiting out a snow storm in st. louis, we decided to tour the gateway to the west before driving back to columbia.

i had no idea the elevators to the top were so, umm, strange. a tiny circular pod for five, but luckily we were the only ones on this trip.

took a drive down to mcbaine to see the burr oak and got lost in eagle bluffs on the way to cooper's landing.

model FAIL

the missouri in winter.

i've never listened to an icy river before. it sounds like a slushy machine on overdrive.

the devil's ice box wasn't so icy compared to the rest of the world this day.

hardhats are overrated.

it was wonderful to see your face, david. ship some warmth and sunshine back to missouri.

1 comment:

  1. You really need to use Flickr. I'd love to comment on and favorite a whole slew of these.
